Nicotine patches (nicotine transdermal system): Patches provide a measured dose of nicotine through the skin. As you decrease the dose of nicotine patches in the course of several weeks, you will be less dependent on nicotine. The patches are available without prescription. There are everal types of patches of different concentrations on the market. The package provides instructions on how to use the product as well as special considerations and description of possible

nicotine patch side effects


The 16-hour patch works well for people who smoke low and are average smoker. In addition, this patch tends to cause fewer side effects such as irritation of the skin, rapid heartbeat, difficulty sleeping and headaches. However, it provides no nicotine during the night, so it is useful to treat the symptoms of withdrawal that occur early in the morning.

The 24-hour patch provides a steady dose of nicotine, avoiding the ups and downs. This type of patch relieves withdrawal symptoms that occur early in the morning. However, it can produce more side effects, such as interrupted sleep patterns and skin irritation.

Most smokers should begin using a patch with maximum concentration of 15-22 mg of nicotine daily for four weeks, and then a lower concentration patch of 5-14 mg of nicotine by four other weeks. The patch should be applied in the morning on a clean, dry skin that does not have much hair. It should be placed between the neck and waist, for example, in the arm. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends using the patch for a total of three to five months. However, some studies have shown that use of the patch for eight weeks or less is as effective as use for longer.

Side effects are linked to:

    Nicotine dosage.

    The brand of the patch.

    The individual characteristics of the skin (such as the tendency of the person suffering from a skin reaction because of the patch).

    The time you use the patch.

    How you applied the patch.

Some nicotine patch side effects that may occur with the nicotine patch are:
    Skin irritations such as redness and itching
    Rapid heartbeat
    Difficulty sleeping or unusual dreams
    Muscle aches and stiffness

Steps you can take in relation to side effects:
    Try a different brand of patches, if skin irritation occurs.
    Reduce the amount of nicotine using a lower dose of patch.
    Sleeping difficulties may be temporary and disappear after 3 to 4 days. If not (and you are using a 24-hour patch), try switching to a 16-hour patch.
    Stop using the patch and try a different therapy for nicotine replacement.